HDI practice tests provide additional preparation for HDI certification exams. Once you complete a practice test, a report is provided that lists the questions missed and what competency within the HDI Standard you should review.

  • Each practice test is 30 questions and must be completed in 35 minutes
  • You may take multiple tests
  • Each practice test is randomly generated from a pool of test questions

Where available, access to practice tests is included with purchased training.

Contact us to purchase at:

phone: (613) 271-8075 ext. 100

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Are customers required to purchase practice tests?
No, practice tests are now included with most of HDI’s popular certification training.

Will the practice tests in the instructor-led courseware be discontinued?
No, HDI will continue to provide a practice test in the appendix of the student courseware for instructor led courses.

What is the difference between the online practice test and the practice test in the appendix of the student courseware?
The online practice test has a large pool of questions. Both are designed to help the customer in the learning process. All questions reference a specific competency within the standard. Should the person miss the question, they know which competency to review. The online practice test is randomly generated from the pool of practice test questions. Each test is 30 questions and must be completed in 35 minutes. The online practice test uses the same interface as the certification exams, which allows the customer to become familiar with the testing application. Customers may take multiple online practice tests. Only one practice test is provided in the student courseware.

Are the same questions from the practice test in the student courseware in the online practice test?
Yes, the practice test in the student courses contains questions from the online practice test pool. Because the online practice tests are randomly generated, customers may see the same questions in multiple practice tests.

What is the difference between the practice test and the certification exam?
There are separate pools of questions for each. Questions from the certification exam will not appear on the practice test. Both are randomly generated. The certification exam is 65 questions and must be completed in 75 minutes. Each Practice Test is 30 questions and must be completed in 35 minutes. The Certification Exam is an audit of the customer’s knowledge. When a customer completes the Certification Exam they are presented with a pass/fail score and are informed how well they did in each Category for the HDI Standard. They are not informed which question(s) they missed. The practice test is designed as a learning tool. When a customer completes a practice test, they are told which questions they missed and what competency within the HDI Standard they should review.

So why did HDI develop practice tests?
HDI developed practices tests because some customers require additional preparation resources and we received inquiries from customers requesting practice tests. HDI decided to satisfy this need directly instead of depending on third party test preparation vendors.